

Keyhan's House

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Future of Occupy LA and Lessons from Art-Walk Action on July 12, 2012 

By. Pouyan Baneshat

Some members of the Occupy Los Angeles (OLA) decided to organize an action, called Chalk Walk, which was meant to protest a slew of arrests in June. People who had been arrested were chalking on the sidewalks and they were not engaged in any sort illegal activities. In the Occupy LA meeting beforehand, people said our goals were: to have fun, stay safe, speak out, stand up, reach out, make friends and chalk.

The police department had clearly a different agenda. The police, and not Occupiers, shut down the street, and angry members of the crowd, not Occupiers, were the ones to throw projectiles at police. LAPD thus started a riot! Most OLA people had actually left the streets, for another location, when the riot started.

Nevertheless, the actions had its positive and negative aspects for OLA. At least three old time occupiers and 14 members of the public were arrested. One person was charged with assault on an officer with a deadly weapon. Past experiences has taught us that the arrest of a small number people is often counterproductive for the activist. The arrestees get charged and convicted and sometimes they face jail time for bogus charges. More often, the activists get entangled with the tedious and usually corrupt legal system and result is rarely to our benefit. After all you cannot have a revolution with all the revolutionaries in jail.

The most positive reaction to chalk-walk was from the people who were on the ground. These included the art loving and outgoing Angelenos, some of the painters and gallery owners. Stereotypically, these are the people who generally have leftist and progressive political ideologies. They were very receptive to the ideas of the OWL and as soon as these people heard that LAPD had brought a few hundred cops to the streets for arresting people just for chalking on the sidewalks, they were outraged.

It would have been very useful, if Occupy people had more pamphlets to pass around. And bring awareness to the public about the Occupy General Assembly and other OLA actions. Unfortunately, most Occupy people did not have any pamphlets to pass around. By the way, this is another indication that the OLA was not there to protest or start a riot. 

The most negative aspect of the event was the lies perpetuated by by the mass media about the event. Many people know that the corporate media are a primary vehicle for promoting false news perpetuated by Politicians and organizations like LAPD. But the coverage of the events is nonetheless very important and television is the primary source of the corporate capitalist discrimination and propaganda. In this case both ABC channel 7 and KTLA channel 5, grotesquely lied to the people and MSNBC covered the event only for 26 seconds.

Channel 5 and 7 claimed that occupy had attacked police with bottles. They also claimed that OLA had started the riot. They claimed that LAPD had asked people  people to keep off the streets. However, they miserably failed to report the news or question the police about why, when, and how these demands were made? How was this massage communicated to Occupy Los Angeles. Was the mass media used to communicate this massage or did a couple of officers stopped by at the CCA to discuses this issue with OLA? Based on what evidence did they anticipate a riot in the streets? Why was the taxpayers money wasted by bringing a few hundred anti-riot police to the street to arrest people for chalking? Of course, these are the questions that should have been thoroughly examined before reporting the LAPD's lies on the air.

Although, the chalk-walk event was even covered by the faraway BBC Persian, the mass media in general as usual lied monumentally and misled the public.

In the aftermath of the chalk-walk, on Tuesday, July 17, members of OLA went to the police commission and asked to investigate the unnecessary force used to disperse people who were engaged in an innocuous act of chalking on the sidewalk. Here, I have to ask the OLA, whatever happened to not speaking with the police? Which bring a new set of questions into mind? Does OLA want to distress LAPD or do we, as a global movement, want to bring an end to corporate capitalism and the rule of the one percent of the society? I believe we should bring people’s attention to the real issues like class struggle and at once create class consciousness.

Chalk-walk was great but it is not our ultimate purpose to chalk the world. Let us do something new. Lets fundamentally change the society. In order to do that we need to think about how we want to achieve the revolution. And what kind of a society do we want to build?

Our feud is not with LAPD or LA City Hall, or the mendacious Los Angeles Mayor or even the corrupt CCA. We want to change and replace an entire corrupt system which is based on corruption, crony capitalism and imperialist intervention. Troubling LAPD or the city hall officials maybe and most certainly is a excellent tactic but it should be a short term strategy to reach a particular goal. LAPD has been targeting the OLA to identify and arrest as many people as possible, so they would have a full profile of everyone in the movement. Let us remember why and where the whole Occupy Wall-Street movement started. 

Chalk-walk was great and I loved being there. I really enjoyed it but at the same time I am aware of the fact that sidewalk chalking is not my ultimate purpose in life. We want a fundamental change and revolution of minds and class structure in the society. Let’s think about a great society structured upon humanity, justice and freedom. Let us think as never before.

posted by Pouyan Irajzadeh  # 2:47 PM


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